Guilty? Innocent? Let The GOOGLE GOD decide!

For this sophisticated method of telling reality on Internet let us please pay attention to this site: GOOGLEFIGHT
After carefull deliberation of searching Google with the above keyword the result is:
Corby is Guilty [161,000] vs Corby is Innocent [120,00]
The GOOGLE GOD show us [and we all have to agree with him] that: CORBY IS GUILTY!
The GOOGLE GOD has spoken earthlinks.
She is guilty alright, but things are looking much much better for her now.
She's likely to be aquitted now I reckon. Why? See my latest post:
It's strange, I couldn't find BanBali site, neither Corby's Forum site, have you given up guys? :-)
Learn to use quotes with Google, you turd.
"Corby is innocent" - 9740
"Corby is guilty" - 6250
The defense rests.
Google is such a drag this days, use YAHOO! instead WITH quotes
"Corby is innocent" - 2,110
"Corby is guilty" - 14,300
The defense rests.
The family is well known on the Gold Coast as drug dealers. The drugs may not be Schapelles (Thats where she tells the truth) but she does know who owns the drugs...... Her sister Mercedez and her husband Wayan. Friends of mine have been to a number of there BBQs on the coast and Mercedez and her husband got of their face.
I mean Mercedes..
Mercedez and her husband got of their face.
That's proof of drug dealing now?
An Open Letter To "weezil":
Thanks for the elite embezzler, large breast fantasist, family quarrel meddler, power luster and kool-aid drinker update. Look forward to your continued efforts on behalf of Schapelle Corby to go balls up.
What's the deal with locking your blog comments, "weezil"? Censorship? Can't stand dissent? Not much different from Porno Ben (coolaussie), that. But let me help you. Bakir owns DSS; Pocock is his cutout and you were a cunning flunky and manipulator who worked a tidy side con on select rubes, Mr. No Accountability Cash Overage.
Pathetic and informative when your motives and integrity are challenged, you decline truthful response to clear the record, yet deem it appropriate to answer an inane post about Mercedes Corby's head (tiny) with your own ridicule of her appearance (ugly, buck teeth, spot her a mile away). Is that the unspoken price she pays for a charity laser printer?
About deleting my remarks and posing as me, what was that BS about sockpuppets you were spinning to the nitwits at DSS, "weezil"? You flunk the integrity and truth challenge...again. A lying, thieving, conniving wonder, you are. But I'll be fair still, Mr. Ex-site Moderator, and quote of your friends' official opinions about you, the people who worked with you and know you best: "vicious attacks", "position of leadership", "position of trust", "deliberately destructive acts", "unlawful and unethical", "petty", "rogue moderator", and "despicable".
Well said. I agree. Too bad you weren't sussed out sooner.
I'll be around, "weezil". Must speak truth to theft and power lust. In the meantime, do have a conversation with yourself.
As The Spivs Turn, starring Schapelle Corby, Crazy Ron Bakir and Daniel Pocock, with special guest star, "weezil"
don't you guys have sumtin BETTER to do?
Corby is just out right Marty loving homosexual
The Bali judges must have used the Google God to decide whether Corby was guilty. Or perhaps they just flipped a coin and said "Heads, she's guilty; Tails, she's guilty". Either way, it was pointless having a trial for Schapelle, since the judge didn't want to end his record of convictions.
You have so many imaginations PT :-)
have you no more evidence to convince us that she's innocent?
Indeed, it is not up to Corby to prove that she is innocent. It is up to the prosecution to prove her guilt.
silence... everybody forgets Schapelle... everybody sees starwars...:)
Schapelle Corby is innocent. I feel so sorry for her and I hope, that she will go back to Australia free or with reduced sentence. But, if she will cannot escape from this heell, then will be better when she will die as soon as possible. Death is better than "life" in Kerobokan hell. I hope that she will soon either free or dead. A matter of course better be, than she will escape alive from hell.
pity... that's the fate of every drugs dealer...
SCHAPELLE Corby's chances of winning her appeal have slumped after the Federal Government has been unable to meet a list of bizarre demands by her new defence team, headed by the bejewelled Indonesian lawyer, Hotman Paris Hutapea.
At the same time, the two Australian QCs offered by the Government to help Ms Corby without charge have been sidelined by her Indonesian advisers, leaving Mr Hutapea to front her defence along with a paid Jakarta starlet.
Justice Minister Chris Ellison has responded to a series of letters from Ms Corby's Indonesian lawyers beginning with one to Prime Minister John Howard on June 8 from her team at the original trial.
Senator Ellison has informed Ms Corby's new legal team it is not possible to meet what is being described by Australian officials as an unreasonable wish list.
Incredibly, that list included a demand for the Australian Government to immediately produce "the owner of the (4.1kg) of marijuana" found in Ms Corby's boogie board bag at Denpasar Airport, along with "the person who put the marijuana" in the former Gold Coast beauty student's luggage.
These requests, characterised by Australian officials as totally unrealistic, were contained in a letter sent to the Australian Government on June 10.
This was followed on June 16 by another letter from Mr Hutapea in similar terms.
Ms Corby's Indonesian lawyers also demand that:
* The Government produce two Victorian jail inmates allegedly overheard by another inmate as saying the drugs were planted on Ms Corby. (The third inmate, John Patrick Ford, had already testified at Ms Corby's first trial. The Judges rejected his evidence as hearsay.)
* The Government produce the officer in charge of luggage check in at Brisbane airport and the officer in charge of CCTV cameras at Brisbane and Sydney airports, the Customs Chief from Brisbane Airport and the chiefs of baggage handling at Sydney and Brisbane airports.
Senator Ellison responded but most of the demands had been made by Ms Corby's original legal team prior to her initial hearing.
"They were just repeating demands that they already knew could not be met," one senior Government source told The Sunday Telegraph.
Senator Ellison informed Ms Corby's new Indonesia lawyers the Victorian jail inmates could not be sent to Bali without a formal request from the Indonesian Government under an international "mutual assistance" agreement.
Despite Mr Hutapea's reputation in Jakarta as a top flight lawyer, the Australian Government is concerned he apparently does not understand this basic fact of law.
I think Hotman Paris Hutapea must be on the take from the prosecution. What a wanker.
BTW, Corby is guilty!
Hotman Paris Hutapea???? hahahaha why did they choose this loser? If you're really serious to free her guys, you must choose the real top lawyers like OC Kaligis, not a money-thirsty clown like this guy... pity her..
t is very terrible, when her chances sluped. Even though I hope, that she will win her appel. But if she will loose, I hope that she will die soon as possible. If she loose, death will best for her. It will be her only chance. Death is better, than "live" in filthy indonesian prison. I hope that she will do away with herself, if she will loose. I hope that she will not suffer in prison. I wish her freedom or death.
are u really slovakian, big mouth?
Schapelle Corby has fired her legal team over their attempts to bribe the appeals judges. Goes to show how corrupt is the Indonesian legal system. First it is "guilty until proven innocent". But now, the defence team sees no ethical problem in planning a bribe. Thanks Indonesia, your credibility just hit rock bottom.
It shows how corrupt Corby supporters are...
Thanks Corby supporters, you just show us your stupidity...
"It shows how corrupt Corby supporters are..."
How does it show that Corby supporters are corrupt. The legal team didn't think twice before making the plan to bribe. That must be the way in Indonesian law. Bribe the judge, or you're guilty.
because the legal tim must be pushed to bribe by some of you, I can say like Mr. Ron for example. And when the judge rejected it, he told everybody that the judges asked him some money. When there's no proof he suddenly wrote a letter of apologize. what a character! happy to know him :)
I think Schapelle Corby is Guilty and you should stay in the jail for how long you deserve.
She's guilty.Should be shot for bullshitting too.Talk about the ultimate white trash family ever.hicks,the lot of them.
Not really sure what to make of this. My gut feeling is that she is innocent. For those who insist she is guilty can you please explain how she possibly got the giant bag of weed past security in brisbane?
She is guilty along with everyone in her family. Her half brother James believe me is not good news, he's a psycho!! Too much drugs. The only reason she is even suspected of being innocent is because she is pretty and if she looked ugly like the bali nine people everybody woluld have just said guilty. She deserves everything she gets and so does her family, remember karma people. FEEL SORRY FOR THE KIDS AND THEIR FAMILIES WHOSE LIVES THEY HAVE RUINED WITH THEIR SUPPLY OF DRUGS.
Just go away and serve your time- sick of the tabloid ch 7 & 8 giving her air time-
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