Real life flyers making around in some neighbourhood in Australia. Seen here:
Via [Macam-macam]
Methink: no comment, the flyer speak for itself bwahahaha..
“somebody at a barbeque said the best thing to do was to send in some renegade sas boys in to get her out. its probably not the best thing to do politically but it seemed the spirit of the times and i thought it would make a good song. here is that story.”
Then they'll meet Kopassus. Do you think that Kopassus will let them do that? How immatured our discussion now :)
SAS boys, typical retard speak, yeh why not get Rambo whilst you're at it too, along with The Terminator, Gen13, Green Lantern and Savage Dragon fighting against the Predator, the Green Goblin, Ming the Merciless and Batman's arch nemesis The Joker!! Then the man of steel, superman himself can fly her back to the Fortress of Solitude until he discovers that she's trying to smuggle 4.1kg of kryptonite, not just the mere gold, red or blue kryptonite, but the good shit, the green stuff!!
Perhaps if you have the the time and interest, you would write about the recent meltdown. Apparently "weezil" tried to take over the site, failed, then ran away with some kool-aid drinker money.
Has anyone commented on the apparent foreign origin of this "flyer"? If not, let me be the first.
Has anyone commented on the apparent REDNECKISM of this "flyer"? If not, let me be the first.
Hotman to the rescue!!!
I smell a rat, why is this written in Engrish?
I smell a rat, why is this written in Engrish?
It's obviously written by someone that doesn't speak English as a first language. The problem is, the blogmaster is too stupid to realise this.
It's obviously written by someone TOO DRUNK AND SPEND TOO MANY TIME OUT OF SCHOOL SELLING DRUGS. The problem is, the SOME PEOPLE is too stupid to ADMIT this.
making a war for someone who is convicted for drugs smuggling is crazy. it doesn't make sense.
anonymous 2.03,
I agree with you.
moreover, eventhough there is a war between indonesia and australia, it could had happened two decades ago at the time of suharto and only needed 1 hour and 2 infantry battalions to capture christmas island.
in this case, indonesia should had won the battle in one hour and
there's no way for australia to win if the other 10,000 ABRI battalions and 100,000 guerrilla battalions had already penetrated the mainland of australia. it's such a hard scenario.
It's obviously written by someone TOO DRUNK AND SPEND TOO MANY TIME OUT OF SCHOOL SELLING DRUGS. The problem is, the SOME PEOPLE is too stupid to ADMIT this.
Judging by your lack of grammar, it sounds like YOU wrote the flyer.
It's obviously written by someone TOO DRUNK AND SPEND TOO MANY TIME OUT OF SCHOOL SELLING DRUGS. The problem is, the SOME PEOPLE is too stupid to ADMIT this.
Like, erm... you?
English speakers see stuff like your post and this obvious fake and instantly see Engrish, if you understood the finer points of the language, you would understand what I mean.
there's no way for australia to win if the other 10,000 ABRI battalions and 100,000 guerrilla battalions had already penetrated the mainland of australia. it's such a hard scenario.
Don't forget that the country with the largest military in the world (by far) is very closely allied with Australia...
Could you picture Indonesia trying to start a war with Australia? Indonesia would give up after a week of fighting, because they would run out of money to keep financing the war effort. Besides, the IMF would immediately cut off Indonesia's "welfare cheque", leaving Indonesia to surrender anyway.
Even if the Indonesians pushed onwards and attacked Australia, they would only be successful in defeating Darwin and other minor townships in the north of Australia. What next? March across a desert, or navigate around to the eastern side of Australia? The quality of the Indonesian navy would be shark bait for the Australian navy. The army of Indonesia would be screwed trying to make it across Australia undetected. Fighter jets of Australia would decimate the feeble armory of Indonesia. Not forgetting the allies of Australia would jump to help out defeat a terrorist nation like Indonesia.
...and the Kopassus are indeed a fearsome force... (against unarmed civilians).
oh yes i believe i have heard that australia was in a war with some countries.. which country was that again?
Australia? Yup, the one that cried out for help to MacArthur when the Japanese landed in Papua :)
"Don't forget that the country with the largest military in the world (by far) is very closely allied with Australia..."
yeah, you can always depend on that country for free... always a free lunch, eh? :) rider? :)
Indonesia? You mean that country that was getting its ass kicked in WW2 by the Japs?
Indonesia? You mean that country that gets billions in international aid to try and help build its basketcase economy?
Grow up, people! Indonesia surely won't be able to land their army in Australia, and Australia surely won't be able to control vast areas and population of Indonesia by their small army. And this discussion's getting childish...
I got a phone call from a Yakuza godfather lastnight told me:
Yeah we did it. It's a sweet revenge for our Chika Honda. An eye for an eye.
Indonesia? You mean that country that was getting its ass kicked in WW2 by the Japs?
O yeah, our ass was kicked by japs on WW2, that's why we are still under japanase rules today...
i don't think indonesia would penetrate from darwin, there are a couple of good options: from perth and kangaroo island.
perth itself may ease the way for indonesia to penetrate australia and might be considered as a good insider ally. WA wanna establish their own republic, remember.
kangaroo island is just good for a main base in kind of long-term war.
war funding is not a problem. there are always cheap weapons in the market, remember.
Some of you people have absolutely no idea. Kangaroo Island is an island just off South Australia. So, what this ONE person is saying is that Kangaroo Island would be a good island for long term warfare. 1 million people in Adelaide and 3 million people in Melbourne disagree with you. Besides that, almost the whole of Indonesia would disagree with you. With the time it takes to travel a navy around to the other side of Australia, your country would think up a better way to deal with war with Australia. Kangaroo Island??? Try and write sober, before you post to this blog again.
getting off the topic -_-"
shall we end this story? =)
make love, not war
The flyer writer forgot to sign his name.... "Saleh"
Nop, his name is Dilbert...
Everyone with two eyes can see that the flyer was written in Engrish. Obviously written by someone from Indonesia, trying to stir up trouble.
you don't have any evidence. just like what you always say about the involvement of baggage handlers. always making a statement based on assumptions... good imagination though :)
I don't have any evidence about the flyer being written in Engrish? Just look at the flyer for yourself. You don't have any evidence that Schapelle planted $40,000 worth of drugs within her boogie board. Shows how stupdid you are.
the flyer can be written by a kid, by other national who doesn't speak english, by an australian who'd like to mock corby's supporters, and the list goes on... look who's stupid, monkey!
and how about the evidence of baggage handlers? you must apply to write a movie script, you have the talent hahahahahaha...
I must admit that Corby and her supporters have great imagination, you have talent for being great artists...:)
baggage handlers? who? any evidence? why refused to open the bag? I give you a best deal: say to judge Sirait that it was R2D2 who put marijuana there... in fact after Starwars was over he doesn't have any proper job to survive that's why this robot starts to try drugs business :D
Thank you anti-justice supporters for contradicting yourselves. First you claim that Corby needs to have evidence that someone put drugs into her UNLOCKED bag, else she is guilty. Then you go ahead and make assumptions that Schapelle refused to open her bag to a customs officer at the airport. Have you got any real evidence to back up this claim? No, you don't. All you do is make assumptions that because a customs officer said so, then it must be true. One rule for a customs official; One rule for a tourist.
A tourist that has no idea that she is getting set up in some drug scheme between Sydney and Bali, would not be prepared to face a "guilty until you can prove otherwise.... but we will make it that the police will deny you any and all supporting evidence in your favour" type legal system.
Thanks Indonesians. Further and further you paint yourself into a hypocritical corner with these pithy unreasoned responses.
Phonetically written flyers also support suggestions that someone of non-Australian origin is just trying to defame Australia.
I write it once more:
the flyer can be written by a kid, by other national who doesn't speak english, by an australian who'd like to mock corby's supporters, and the list goes on...
and also by a stupid Australian who's most probably on the Corby's side :)
Even the stupidest of Australians don't write this poorly. It sounds like Yoda wrote the message. Obviously written by some barbarian Indonesian, who froths at the mouth at the thought of some foreigner getting gaoled or killed.
or a really stupid australian trying to be smart by making things up and wrote things that might blame indonesians. gotta admit, he did it well =p
everybody that lives in Australia surely can read and write basic english. They know basic grammar well. Maybe their english is not that advance but it's impossible to not notice the mistake in the flyer. The writer can be everyone.
they're good actors and actresses though. Example : Mr.Crowe, Mrs. Kidman, n Miss. Corby =)
No Australian would write "Came on our Prime Minester". It would likely be "Come on Johnny" or "Howard, show some spine". But, you're probably right about one thing. If some Australian wanted to impersonate an Indonesian, then that's what they would write.
Dis prick know how to write good flyer for Indonesia war cry. Funny. Me rikey rice.
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