Jakarta condemns terror threat: COWARDLY ACT

The Embassy is another country territory.
Attack on Indonesian Embassy is an Attack on Indonesia's Soil (CNN.com)
SYDNEY, Australia (CNN) -- The Indonesian Government has vowed it will not be intimidated by threats following the discovery of a suspected biological agent mailed to the Indonesian embassy in Australia.
Indonesian Foreign Ministery spokesman Marty Natalegawa described the attack as a "COWARDLY ACT".
It's spelled civilised!
I'm going to send another one for that.
I'm sorry this seems to offend you, maybe I should just blow up the embassy next time (geee, now who would have done that recently?).
Yes, but Americans didn't invent English. The English did. And in English, it's spelt "civilised".
By the way, with your spelling I wouldn't be calling anyone a "moron", mate.
Oh, and the Australian public have condemned (in polls) the attack on the embassy, because it's a low act from a twisted loner. When the culprit is found they will be punished - and chances are they'll be punished properly, unlike the slap on the wrist given the Bali bombing mastermind.
Yes, but Americans didn't invent English. The English did. And in English, it's spelt "civilised".
Yes, so? I am speaking american-english? So what if the english invent it? Stick up ur ass hah.
America rule the fucking world anyway, not english or australia for that matter.
Like the way you ignored the rest of my comment, which completely invalidates your argument.
Y'know, it's fun watching you squirm like this.
...they'll be punished properly, unlike the slap on the wrist given the Bali bombing mastermind.
If u so smart mate, u'll know that the same court room can not prove that what u called "bali bombing mastermind" is infact the mastermind.
Oh and anyway, Indonesia did punished the actual BALI BOMBER, THREE OF THEM ARE FACING DEATH SENTENCES.
Original poster here... comment was half in jest, but I fail to see how an international site, covering an Australian case (where people speak Proper English) feels it is more appropriate to use US English.
but I fail to see how an international site, covering an Australian case (where people speak Proper English) feels it is more appropriate to use US English
OMFG u want to argue semantics? more people talk US english than english-english nowadays.
corby is guilty. period.
Guys, let's organize a mass demonstration to push higher court judges give DEATH PENALTY for Corby. It's not necessary you all arguing in here, better make something more realistic. And remember, Corby is in our hand, not theirs. We must be more productive since today, I'm sick with their insults and acts of terror.
If it's the death penalty that you guys want for Schapelle, you could atleast be decent enough to let Schapelle kill 202 Indonesians. It's only fair.
According to the Sydney Morning Herald, for Westerners who live in Bali, buying marijuana locally is extremely risky, as the seller could be an undercover cop or police informer.
So, they will pay a premium to buy it off another Westerner.
The Australian unearthed court documents that showed her half-brother, Clinton Rose, 22, had an extensive criminal history.
Six weeks before Corby was arrested, he was jailed for 18 months in Brisbane on 62 counts ranging from burglary to fraud. He also has two convictions for drug possession. Corby had visited him in jail before her own arrest.
Her father, Mr Michael Corby, admitted to The Courier Mail that he had been fined A$400 for possessing two grams of marijuana when he was about his daughter's age.
Like his daughter, he maintains to this day that the drugs were not his
"If it's the death penalty that you guys want for Schapelle, you could atleast be decent enough to let Schapelle kill 202 Indonesians. It's only fair. "
Since when we're fair? It's you who point out that we're unfair..so?
Why is it that most of these comments, from obviously USA based posters, make no sense?
Apart from that - this blog is about the 'white powder' sent to the Indonesian Embassy in Canberra, Australia.
It has not yet been proven who sent the 'substance' so how can we condemn a 'suspected' Corby supporter?
Guilty before proven innocent - again?
Why couldn't it be rebels, East Timorese with a grudge, someone who was ripped off by an Ebay sale, the CIA, Aliens?
Use your brains people and don't just REACT.
That’s what Americans are for and we've let them screw up enough already.
Thank GOD for Canadians! LoL
I'm not the one who posted about language since I realize my English is inappropriate. However, as far as I'm concerned, English becomes international language because US is the actual winner of WW 2 (before, the language for diplomatic is French). Not UK, nor Canada, nor Australia. So it's highly appropriate to use US English what ever the case. Without US, we speak Germany and Japanese rightnow. So you all English speaking countries must thank to them as they give you many jobs as English teachers world wide :)
"It has not yet been proven who sent the 'substance' so how can we condemn a 'suspected' Corby supporter?
Guilty before proven innocent - again?"
Do you want to know who suspected Corby supporters? I tell you:
- John Howard
- Alex Downer
Sounds familiar with those names? Indonesians uh? Please read Australian news if you dont believe me.
Since when we're fair? It's you who point out that we're unfair..so?
I was being sarcastic. I am not seriously calling for Indonesians to be killed. I was making a point that it would be unfair to have a person executed for a crime of drug smuggling, in light of the fact that terrorists blew up a nightclub and have received a sentence of death. The punishment must fit the crime.
The white powder was found to be harmless - now they say it was most likely just a harmless hoax or prank. Sorry to burst your anti-West bubble, blogmaster.
"was being sarcastic. I am not seriously calling for Indonesians to be killed. I was making a point that it would be unfair to have a person executed for a crime of drug smuggling"
Thanks, you know so well that she's not going to be executed.
Many of us who answer your comments are not the blogmaster of this blog, Kat, including me.
And don't make it narrow as an anti-West. We're not anti-West, even not anti Australia, just a bit anti-Corby's camp :) I bet most of Indonesians who comment here have their education in western countries including Australia, as I myself also have my 2 graduate degrees in 2 different western countries (Germany and France), so who's anti-West?
Even if it's harmless still we must consider it as an act of terror since it brought fears among many our diplomats.
Thanks, you know so well that she's not going to be executed.
With the way you guys screech and carry on, I wouldn't be surprised if Indonesia imposes the death penalty.
didn't Indonesians blow up a hotel and many other things.
just cause Australian's didn't over bread and create mass poverty and they've got it lucky doesn't mean that Indonesians should judge them on that.
Australian's are a peaceful lot of people 90% of attacks on Asians in Australia are done by other Asians. the suburbs with the highest crime rates in Sydney are 85% from a non Caucasian background.
Really think long and hard about what you have to say about the majority of Australians.
I watched an anti chinese march the other day everyone in the march was asian.
Someone once sent "white powder" to my university, and the same thing happened as it did at the embassy - the authorities raced in, people were evacuated, etc. It too was found to be harmless.
The only reason the embassy powder got so much fuss is because of media hype and Howard being his usual melodramatic self.
Azahari is an Indonesian? Geez.... that's new =p
I'll make it clear to you guys. Azhari and Noordin M Top, the guys who construct the bom in hotel, 1 bom in Bali, in front of your embassy, they are Malaysians, not Indonesians. Surely with the help of Indonesians that they recruited. It's easy for some poor stupid Indonesians to joint them with a mere couple of bucks and promise of heaven without thinking the consequences. However, as you may not notice, ALL OF THE INDONESIANS THAT INVOLVED IN MANY BOMBINGS IN INDONESIA INCLUDING AMROZI, IMAM SAMUDERA, EVEN BASHIR, HAVE THEIR EDUCATIONS AND EXPERIENCES IN MALAYSIA, NOT IN INDONESIA. Bashir once a fugitive during Suharto regime, and it's Mahathir Mohamad who accept him to become a religion teacher in Malaysia. I don't want to point my finger out to Malaysia. I just tell you the facts. In fact Malaysians are stronger in Islam than many Indonesians, that's why Thailand has a problem also with them regarding some extremists that keep distrub their islamic regions to ask independence.
"The only reason the embassy powder got so much fuss is because of media hype and Howard being his usual melodramatic self. "
Howard was not overreacting. Let's say he said "nah it's nothing, just continue working" what will people in Indonesia think? The promise to investigate it by the police is enough for us Indonesians to hear (at least there was no media frenzy). He seems to be a nice guy, I wonder why you guys seem to hate him so much (but you voted for him, i mean majority). Well one thing not good is the high overseas uni fees comparing with locals lol =D
It's strange how the talcum powder to the Indonesian embassy was accompanied by a note, written in Bahasa. Oops! Forget that we Australians speak English, did you? Obviously, you guys are trying oh-so-hard to set Australians up, you forget to think about your actions
hmm... let's make this clear. The police haven't given any official statement means that the culprit can be whoever, indonesian or australan etc. However, let's all put this thing in our mind. Whoever sent that package will be considered terrorism hoax (criminal) and whoever or whatever race s/he/they are, s/he/they are considered as minority and we both will not accuse the whole country for one stupid act. agree?
i forgot to mention about the bahasa thingy. Indo language does exist in Australia and learnt by many (i have a friend that took indo lang as an extra to boost his mark in high school). Also there is indo lang subject in oz unis. It's quite easy to learn the basic sentence since there are no strict rules like present, past tense etc. Of course u won't know the slank until u live in indo. Well as i said before, the criminal can be any nationality.
btw, just for future ref (and for fun) , "bahasa" is a term for malaysian language. We call out lang: Bahasa Indonesia. ("bahasa" literally means "language"). So if i translate "do you speak bahasa?" will be like "do you speak language?" haha
cheers =D
helloooooowwwww, PT? :)
"It's strange how the talcum powder to the Indonesian embassy was accompanied by a note, written in Bahasa. Oops! Forget that we Australians speak English, did you? Obviously, you guys are trying oh-so-hard to set Australians up, you forget to think about your actions"
Funny since you mentioned about set ups. I have a lot of friends who are Australian, and they can speak Indonesian very fluently. Your statement is kinda shallow for me, sorry ;) And why would we tried to set you up? Just for Corby? Not worthy. It would even make sense if the one who did it was not an Indonesian and tried to blame Indo for his coward act =)
If you believe that Schapelle tried to smuggle 4kg of dope through airports, then you would also agree that Schapelle risked over $40,000 worth of drugs that were bound to be found at either the Queensland or Bali airport. $40,000 is the amount you would not risk on air travel, when you could so easily sell in your own community instead.
I think who organisated this webpage and I think you put the weeds into her boogie bag... Fuck u all! U r fucking idiots and grow up!
You can get more if you sell them in Bali. Tourists there think that buying marijuana from local (a.k.a Balinese people) is extremely risky, cause the seller could be an undercover cop of an informer. They even fear of buying marijuana from Balinese kids, nowadays Balinese cops sometimes use them as an informer. It's better to buy them from tourists or westerners (not accusing anyone here,ok? =) ) That makes marijuana sold in Bali tend to make more money than if you sell them in your country =)
The whole Corby case is a testament to the god-awful jock/beer/footy/loser-in-floral-shorts-with-an-esky-who-struggles-with-basic-english-grammar culture sprouted by Australia day and affirmed by the backlash of the Bali bombings.
So organised and committed to their belief that Corby is ignorant, only 6 people turned out to the Brisbane rally in support of Corby. Did you guys forget to show up? Did you realise that Corby might actually be guilty? Or did you just forget and get back to the real issues of life like footy tipping?
The writer of this Blog would be someone i whole-heartedly agree with if he ditched his conservative pro-America stance. Come on you're better than that!
Quite frankly you're all a bit "unstable" in this blog.
Grow up.
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